Attention Deficit Disorder from TeachersFirst.com
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A list of resources for working with students who have ADD.
ADD Special Needs
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Here is a place for parents and teachers who recognize the special needs of misunderstood kids who have ADD and related learning disabilities, kids who are gifted but who struggle.....kids who don't exactly fit inside the box of the classroom
Attention Deficit Disorder
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A list of resources for working with students who have ADD.
Behaviour Exceptionalities
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A list of resources for working with students with behaviour difficulties.
Communication Learning Disabled
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A list of resources for students with communication learning disabilities.
Deafness and Hearing Impairment from TeachersFirst.com
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A list of resources for working with students with hearing impairments.
Hearing Impairment
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A list of resources for students with hearing impairments.
Kodak Special Education Lesson Plans
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Innovative lesson plans fow working with special education students.
Learning Disabilities Association
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The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada is dedicated to advance the education, employment, social development, legal rights and general well-being of people with learning disabilities.
LD Online
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The interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers and children.
Learning Disabilities - Strategies and Resources from TeachersFirst.com
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A list of resources for working with students with learning disabilities.
Lester Educational Resources
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A directory of resources for working in special education.
Meeting the Needs of Students with Special Physical and Health Care Needs
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An excellent resource for classroom teachers who must manage today's complex student population.
General Special Education Sites
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A list of special education resources.
Other Disabilities
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Resources for working with students with autism and dyslexia.
Physical Disabilities Strategies and Resources
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A list of resources for working with students with physical disabilities.
SNOW - Special Needs Opportunity Windows
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A fantastic website based on Ontario Ministry of Education objectives. The SNOW Project (Special Needs Opportunity Windows) is a provider of online resources and professional development opportunities for educators and parents of students with special needs. Our tools and information, online workshops, curriculum materials, discussion fora and other resources are available to assist you in using new technologies to benefit all your learners.
Special Education from the Ontario Ministry of Education
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A list of ministry policy documents and resources.
Special Education from About.com
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A list of internet resources for working with special education students.
K-8 Web Resources for Educators
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An extensive list of resources for teaching special needs students.
Vision Impairment from TeachersFirst.com
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A list of resources for working with visually impaired students.
Visual Impairment
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Web resources for visually impaireed students.