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Science Sites

Primary Science

  1. Grades K-2
  2. Worksheets and Printable Pages@
  3. early elementary
  4. Web resources
  5. Lesson plans
  6. Science
  7. World Book Cybercamp On-line Summer Fun and Activities
  8. Conservation of Plants and Animals
  9. Day and Night
  10. Dinosaurs
  11. Life Science
  12. Physical Science
  13. Earth and Space Science
  14. Elementary (K-5)
  15. Sciences K-6


Junior Science

  1. Grades 3-5
  2. Worksheets and Printable Pages@
  3. later elementary
  4. Geology and Geologists
  5. Major Systems of the Human Body
  6. Solar System
  7. http--www.aboutschool.com-6science.htm
  8. Elementary (K-5)
  9. Sciences K-6


Intermediate Science

  1. Grades 6-8
  2. Worksheets and Printable Pages@
  3. middle school
  4. Intermediate (6-8)
  5. Sciences 7-12


General Science

  1. Strands Chart Outreach Science Ontario
  2. Characteristics and Needs of Living Things
  3. Characteristics of Objects and Properties of Matter
  4. Energy in Our Lives
  5. Everyday Structures
  6. Daily and Seasonal Cycles
  7. Growth and Changes in Animals
  8. Properties of Liquids and Solids
  9. Energy From Wind and Moving Water
  10. Movement
  11. Air and Water in the Environment
  12. Growth and Changes in Plants
  13. Magnetic and Charged Materials
  14. Forces and Movement
  15. Stability
  16. Soils in the Environment
  17. Habitats and Communities
  18. Materials that Transmit, Reflect, or Absorb Light or Sound
  19. Light and Sound Energy
  20. Pulleys and Gears
  21. Rocks, Minerals, and Erosion
  22. Human Organ Systems
  23. Properties of and Changes in Matter
  24. Conservation of Energy
  25. Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms
  26. Weather
  27. Diversity of Living Things
  28. Properties of Air and Characteristics of Flight
  29. Electricity
  30. Motion
  31. Space
  32. Interactions Within Ecosystems
  33. Pure Substances and Mixtures
  34. Heat
  35. Structural Strength and Stability
  36. The Earth's Crust
  37. Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Systems
  38. Fluids
  39. Optics
  40. Mechanical Efficiency
  41. Water Systems
  42. Science
  43. A Science Odyssey
  44. K-12 SCIENCE EDUCATION RESOURCES (Bill Beaty's Homepages)
  45. Educational Hotlists @ The Franklin Institute
  46. ScienceNetLinks
  47. Neuroscience for Kids - Worksheets
  48. Welcome to NASA Quest
  49. Math And Science Resources
  50. The Teacher's Corner Multidisciplinary Classroom Activities
  51. Biology
  52. Awesome Library - Materials_Search
  53. Branches of Science
  54. Astronomy
  55. Technology
  56. StarChild A Learning Center for Young Astronomers
  57. Cool Science for Curious Kids
  58. The Canadian Space Agency - KidSpace
  59. Hooked on Science
  60. Ontario Science Curriculum Lesson Plan Links
  61. index
  62. Its Electric
  63. Green Teacher Home Page
  64. OAFE Inc - Ontario Agri-Food Education Incorporated
  65. Frank Potter's Science Gems
  66. Math Forum Math Ideas for Science Fair Projects
  67. Multicultural Mathematicians and Scientists Treasure Hunt
  68. Rivers of Life Home Page
  69. Roller Coaster Project Page
  70. Curriculum Resources-aerospace
  71. Science Jump Page
  72. Science Topics
  73. LearningSpace KIDS - Assessing and Capturing Learning
  74. The World of Benjamin Franklin
  75. Create a Field Guide of Local Plants
  76. Bizarre Stuff You Can Make In Your Kitchen
  77. SchoolWorld Projects Endangered Species
  78. Skateboard Science
  79. Wildlife Tracker
  80. More Science than Mathematics
  81. K-12 Outreach Program
  82. OECTA Teacher Resources
  83. Lesson Plans
  84. Science Learning Network Home

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