| Awesome Library Math Reproducibles
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Primary, junior and intermediate math worksheets.
Awesome Library Math Lessons
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Primary, junior and intermediate math lessons and resources.
Brain Teasers at EduPlace.com
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Fun math problems for grades three to eight.
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Fantastic site for keeping math fun!
Curious and Useful Math
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Here you will find tricks and rules for quickly calculating certain types of math problems. There are also some entertaining trivia and math facts that are nice to slip into casual conversation. Some of it's Useful and some of it's Curious.
Which is which, though, is up to you. Take a look around and judge for yourself.
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Math Topics
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Lesson plans and activities for teaching algebra, applied mathematics, data analysis and probability, geometry, measurement, number and operations, patterns, problem solving, reasoning and proof.
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Developed by members of the ExploreMath community, these lesson plans provide strategies for educators to introduce ExploreMath's unique multimedia activities into the mathematics classroom, lab, or distance learning curricula.
Flashcards for Kids
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Quick and easy flashcard generator for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Free Arithmetic Fact Pages from S&S Software
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Site contains addition, subtraction, multiplication and division fact pages and worksheet generator.
Free Math Worksheets for K-6 Educators
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Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division worksheets.
Fun Math
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Mathematics Lessons that are fun, fun, fun!
Numbers at FunBrain.com
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Great number actiivities for kids.
Geometry Through Art
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What Children Can Learn about Art and Geometry
Hamilton's Math to Build On
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There is a base of information about math for people who build that remains the same no matter what type of building work they do. This site describes the knowledge that is needed by anyone who designs, builds, fabricates or maintains just about anything. We have worked hard to make the information in this site straightforward and easy to understand. Once you work to understand the concepts, all that is left is the practice.
Helping Your Child Learn Math
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Math in the home, at the grocery store, on the go, and for the fun of it.
Interactive Spreadsheets
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Teaching math concepts through the use of interactive spreadsheets.
Japanese Math Challenges Online
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The story problems provided here are translated from Japan's Junior High School math placement test. This test is given to 12 year olds and each section of the full test consists of 225 story problems. Students are given a time limit for each problem ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. If completed within the time provided, the 225 story problems require over 8 hours to complete.
KaBoL - Knot A Braid of Links
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Since it was launched in 1996, KaBoL has featured hundreds of valuable math pages. And thanks to the new interface, you can now easily search and browse through this collection. You can also contribute to KaBoL by sending in your comments and suggestions of great websites!
Lightspan.com Math Lesson Plans
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Site includes: accounting, algebra, applied math, banking, calculus, computations and operations, discrete math, general resources, geometry, measurement, time, money, number sense, patterns, functions and relations, probability and statistics, problem solving and logic, real world math and trigonometry.
The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
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The history of math from the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Math Worksheets 1
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Tic-Tac-Toe worksheets using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Math Worksheets 2
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Mankala worksheets using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Math Worksheets 3
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Fraction action and rounding off worksheets.
Math Resources
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Math activities, lessons and resources.
Math Central at EduPlace.com
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Houghton Mifflin's new math program, Math Central, is math power. With Math Central students develop a strong foundation in skills and concepts, and learn to investigate, reason, and explain. Math Central is supported by Internet resources directly tied to the print materials. Data Place offers online research projects for grades 3-6. The projects are correlated to Math Central chapters.
Math Forum Teachers' Place
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Welcome to the Teachers' Place! Here you'll find some of the best resources for teaching math at all levels. This space is not only for teachers, but has also been built in part by teachers. Explore our Self-guided Tour for features and services of special interest to educators, or apply to join the Teacher2Teacher Service.
Math Forum Fraction Resources
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Lists of resources for teaching the concept of fractions.
Math Forum Ideas for Science Fair Projects
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Lists of ideas for developing science fair projects using math skills.
Math Forum Tessellation Tutorials
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Lists of resources for teaching the concept of tessellations.
Mrs. Glosser's Math Goodies
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Interactive math lessons and more!
Math Educators' Jump Page
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Siste includes algebra, centers, fairs, games, geometry, lessons and resources.
Math League Help Topics
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This is a help resource for 4th through 8th grades
Math Programs to Download
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List of freeware and shareware math programs which can be downloaded.
Math Square - An Interactive Math Game
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Welcome to the Math Square. The directions are simple. In each square put numbers until the total for the row (if you add up all the numbers) is equal to the value next to the row. Make sure you get the right values in each column and in the diagonal direction too!
Math Tables - Interactive Math Activities
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We offer this game with the addition (+), subtraction (-) and multiplication (*) functions currently. Each game is timed, so you know how long it took to answer the questions, and scored, so you know how many you got right and how many were missed.
Math for Elementary Educators at About.com
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Lists of internet resources for teaching elementary math.
Math Archives K-12 Teaching Materials
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Terrific list of math resources for the elementary teacher.
MathMol K-12 Activity Page
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MathMol (Mathematics and Molecules) is designed to serve as an introductory starting point for K-12 students and teachers interested in the field of molecular modeling and its application to mathematics.
Count On
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Count On is the continuation of Maths Year 2000 and will carry on the mission to popularise maths, making it a 'can-do' subject and promoting maths for all.
MathsNet A to Z of Spreadsheets
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The things you need to know about spreadsheets are summarised here, with particular reference to Microsoft Excel, though note that much of what is written for Excel will apply to most other "Windows" spreadsheets as well.
A variety of fun math activities for the classroom.
Money Experience for Kids
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An interactive program which provides an opportunity for making chagne.
More Mathematics than Science
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Welcome to Zona Land where you will find educational and entertaining items pertaining to physics, to the mathematical sciences, and to mathematics in general.
Mr. Pitonyak's Pyramid Puzzle
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What would an Egyptian pyramid cost to build today?
Multimedia Activities from ExploreMath.com
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Our Shockwave™ Activities create real-time correlations between equations and graphs that help students visualize and experiment with many of the major concepts from Elementary Algebra through Pre-Calculus.
Nova Online - The Proof
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For over 350 years, some of the greatest minds of science struggled to prove what was known as Fermat's Last Theorem -- the idea that a certain simple equation had no solutions. Now hear from the man who spent seven years of his life cracking the problem, read the intriguing story of an 18th century woman mathematician who hid her identity in order to work on Fermat's Last Theorem, and demonstrate that a related equation, the Pythagorean Theorem, is true.
OFCN's Academy Curriculum Exchange for Elementary Mathematics
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List of plans for teaching math to grades kindergarten to six
SCORE Mathematics Lessons
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These SCORE Mathematics Lessons have been written by teachers selected to participate in SCORE Mathematics workshops. Lessons for K-7 and 8-12 are separated and are organized by their main strands with links to specific standards.
SMILE Program Mathematics Index
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The following is a collection of almost 200 single concept lessons.
The Mathematics lessons are divided into the following categories: Geometry and Measurement, Patterns and Logic, Probability and Statistics, Recreational and Creative Math, Practical and Applied Math, Arithmetic, Graphs and Visuals, Algebra and Trigonometry, and Miscellaneous.
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The online toy where you can build and play with things made out of masses, springs and muscles.
SuperKids Math Worksheet Creator
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Have you ever wondered where to find math drill worksheets? Make your own here at SuperKids for free! Simply select the type of problem, the maximum and minimum numbers to be used in the problems, then click on the button! A worksheet will be created to your specifications, ready to be printed for use - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, greater than, less than and rounding off.
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Teachers have come up with many tricks for teaching the times tables. They have been divided into general tricks for all the times tables and tricks for each of the facts families.
Theorem of Pythagoras
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This java applet shows you (automatically - step by step) how ancient Chinese people discovers the Pythagorean theorem.
The Geometry Center
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The Geometry Center is a mathematics research and education center at the University of Minnesota. The Center has a unified mathematics computing environment supporting math and computer science research, mathematical visualization, software development, application development, video animation production, and K-16 math education.
Math Forum Ask Dr. Math
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Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic, as well as summaries of Frequently Asked Questions.
Math Forum Lesson Plans and Activities Library
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A phenomenal list of lessons plans and activities for teaching K-12 math.
Math Forum Internet Math Library
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A phenomenal list of internet resources for teaching K-12 math.
Mathematics Enrichment
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The NRICH Prime Site is part of the NRICH Online Maths Club, which is FREE to join. Click on the NRICH Club button below to go to the club's home page. You will find more games, problems and information. Visit the Library to find all the past problems, games, magazines and links to other sites.
Prime Pages
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Prime number research, records and resources.
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Mathematics is a live science with new discoveries being made every day. The frontier of mathematics is an exciting place, where mathematicians experiment and play with creative and imaginative ideas. Many of these ideas are accessible to young children. Others (infinity is a good example) are ideas that have already piqued many children's curiosity, but their profound mathematical importance is not widely known or understood. The MegaMath project is intended to bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together.
Time Experience Drill
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An interactive time experience resource.
Vector Addition
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This java applets try to show how to add two vectors A and B into vector C: C = A + B = B + A
Welcome to Mathematrix
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Mathematrix: a web site devoted to exploring mathematical recreations - the more entertaning (and generally lesser known) areas of mathematics. This site can be enjoyed by anyone, from individuals with little or no math background to professors of the subject. So without further ado (except for a random math quote), enjoy the topics Mathematrix has to offer
Welcome to the Big Sum
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These exciting web pages give teachers, children and families extra opportunities throughout the year to work on screen or to download and print out new shopping puzzles, problems and exercises. The activity cards will be added to regularly to fit in with seasonal events and special calendar dates.
Worksheet Maker
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WorksheetMaker: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.
For some online practice on these same topics, try: Math Flash Cards for Kids andMad Math Minutes.
21st Century Problem Solving
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Students will enjoy solving word problems easily and dependably. They will become happy campers in the forest of problem solving. Teachers will gain the advantage of a logical, consistent approach to problem solving that applies across the curriculum and at all grade levels.
Appetizers and Lessons for Mathematics and Reason
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There are appetizers for algebra, arithmetic, logic, better learning in general, reason, theorem proving, and complex numbers. Strengths here are in Alan's explanation of mathematical concepts using words and stories
Calculators Online
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All sorts of fun calculators for every grade level.
Children's MoneyWorld
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Childrens Moneyworld is committed to providing resource material for Parents, Teachers and Children regarding all aspects of Numeracy education.
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The ExplorerTM is a terrific ollection of educational resources (instructional software, lab activities, lesson plans, student created materials ...) for K-12 mathematics. The Explorer is being developed to involve educators and students in creating and using multimedia resources for active learning and "on time" delivery.
Helping Your Child Learn Math
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Helping Your Child Learn Math provides proven ideas and activities for families to help their children succeed in math. This site includes activities for elementary school-aged children. These activities use materials found inside the home and also make learning experiences out of everyday routines, such as grocery shopping and cooking. The activities are designed to have fun while reinforcing mathematical skills.
Cadbury Learning Zone
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Making learning challenging and exciting is the philosophy behind the Cadbury education activity. This interactive site will feature an ever expanding range of curriculum based projects devised in conjunction with education specialists. All projects will be supported by extensive teachers’ zones with curriculum maps, download activity sheets plus background information.
INfoUse's PlaneMath
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The mission of this project is to stimulate and motivate students including those with physical disabilities in grades 4-7 to pursue aeronautics-related careers via the development and delivery of accessible math education materials on the Internet.
Exercises in Math Readiness
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A variety of interactive math exercises.
Math and Children's Literature
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A variety of ideas for teaching math concepts through the use of children's literature.
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The goal of this math website is to help elementary and middle school children improve their math problem solving and critical-thinking skills. It has over 5,000 math word problems for children to enjoy! MathStories.com is the website for busy teachers, eager students, and involved parents.
Teach Your Child How to Think
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These wonderful activities help children develop important mathematical ideas and thinking skills that they will use in math, science and everyday situations.
Natural Math
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A host of amusing activities for teaching math concepts.
Primary Resources Math
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Excellent resources for teaching elementary math - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, word problems, money, fractions, decimals, data analysis, measurement, shape and space.
Race to 100 for Grades 1,2 and 3
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Provides drill and practice in understanding place value. A simulated computer is made on paper in the form of a graph. As the player rolls the dice and makes an addition number statement representing the sum of the dots rolled, the beans are placed on the graph in the appropriate hundreds, tens or ones columns. Object to be the first to trade one bean for the hundreds box.
Race to 1000 for Grades 3 and 4
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Provides drill and practice in understanding place value. A simulated computer is made on paper in the form of a graph. As the player rolls the dice and makes a multiplication statement representing the sum of the dots rolled, the beans are placed on the graph in the appropriate hundreds, tens or ones columns. Object to be the first to trade one bean for the thousands box.
Roman Numerals 101
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Details the meaning of each of the roman numerals.
Math Drill Applets
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A variety of applets for practicing math concepts - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, time, patterns and body mass.
Word Problesm for Kids
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This Web Site contains word problems for students and teachers. The problems are classified into grade levels from Grade 5 to Grade 12. THIS IS NOT A TEST, but a set of carefully selected problems which can help you improve your problem solving skills -if you try to carefully think about how you would solve each problem, and once you have found the solution, you make sure that you understand all parts of the solution. You can try any problem you like and if the problem is a little difficult you can get helpful hints by following the hints link.