The Educator's Toolkit
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Site topics include Ontario curriculum, teacher resources, theme resources, just for kids, library resources, holidays and mini-themes.
Links to Learning
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Web sites supporting the Ontario K-8 curriculum.
Ontario Curriculum Centre
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Ontario Curriculum Centre is part of the large community of educators working to ensure that Ontario students have access to learning resources of the highest quality.
Ontario Curriculum Tracking Templates for Grades K-8
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Created by Brent Phillips, Halton District School Board
...191 Templates containing 4158 expectations...
Ontario Elementary Curriculum Links
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This site is organized by subject area, grade level, and strand to provide you with a level of classification that parallels the Ontario elementary curriculae.
Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum and Policy
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Elementary and secondary curriculum, policy and related sites.
Ontario Elementary Curriculum Links
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This site is organized by subject area, grade level, and strand to provide you with a level of classification that parallels the Ontario elementary curriculae.
Ontario Science Curriculum - Deb's Science Page
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Lesson plans for the Ontario science curriculum for grades 1 to 8.
Outreach Science Ontario
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Strands chart and lesson plans for the Ontario science and technology curriculum.
Social Studies/HIstory and Geography Curriculum Resources
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An excellent resource which directly links the Ontario curriculum to content information, lessons and activities for each strand and subject.
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TeachOntario is the place for K-8 teachers to find great web sites that correspond to the Ontario Curriculum. The site also includes lesson plans, an area devoted to sharing teaching ideas with peers, and a variety of methods to effectively integrate technology into curriculum.